The Cáceres family receives asylum

“We invite you to know the beginning of our church’s story of accompaniment thanks to the Cáceres family in this video.”

Rev. Dr. Eileen Altman at Palo Alto, CA – First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, United Church of Christ


“We invite you to know the beginning of our church’s story of accompaniment thanks to the Cáceres family in this video. Most of the video tells their story of why they needed to flee Honduras. With our congregation’s support, this family of three first obtained political asylum and then permanent residency. Our support was crucial in helping them to have access to excellent legal counsel. We also helped them with the first steps of becoming more independent, such as getting housing, health coverage, enrolling their child in school, linking to potential employers etc.”



What of Rev. Dr. Eileen Altman’s faith inspires the work of welcome: Leviticus 19:33, Matthew 22:39, Matthew 25:35-37, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:27, Galatians 5:14, and the United Church of Christ immigrant welcome statements and actions.